The Illuminati

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The Illuminati

The Illuminati


The Illuminati is a group of elite among the elites. It is the oldest and most secretive organizations of Masters of the World. Most of these organizations have headquarters and members of known identity but members of the Illuminati are not known with certainty, although some names circulate insistently. These are large families or capitalists from the nobility, such as the Rothschilds, the Harriman and Russell, the Dupont, Windsor, and the Rockefellers including the inevitable David Rockefeller who is also co-founder of the Group Bilderberg and CFR.

History and Ideology of Illuminati

The Illuminati exists since 1776 and this group was founded by Adam Weishaupt, a former Jesuit. Their plan was to radically change the world by destroying the power of monarchies, which at that time hindered the progress of society and ideas. The French Revolution and the founding of the United States were the results of their strategy. For the Illuminati, political democracy was a means not an end in itself. According to them, the people are inherently ignorant, stupid, and potentially violent thus the world must be governed by enlightened elite (Bullock, 1998). Over time, members of this group have gone from being subversive conspirators to implacable rulers whose main purpose is to preserve their power over the population. The creation of the Illuminati, marked the launch of a plan designed to last over several centuries, using the control of nascent financial system to achieve total domination over the world (Decker, 1994). The realization of the plan was then passed like a torch from generation to generation within hereditary of elite of insiders who have managed to adapt to technological, social, and economic chunks. Unlike other organizations of the Master World, the Illuminati are not a mere "think-tank" or "network of influence", it's an organization whose true nature is esoteric or "occult" (Jacob, 1991).


Economic or political leaders come into view to the community as persons extremely rational and materialistic but the public would be astonished to learn that some of these people engaged in strange ceremonies in secret societies which perpetuate the cult of the Egyptian and Babylonian gods: Isis, Osiris, Baal, Moloch, or Semiramis. The term Illuminati is derivative from the Latin word "Illuminare” which means to enlighten and to know. The Illuminati consider themselves as holders of knowledge and of a higher wisdom, inherited from immemorial time. It gives them legitimacy to govern humanity. The ...
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