The Great Depression

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The Great Depression

The Great Depression

Great Depression is often referred to as the simple economic crash that lasted from around 1930 to early 1940's, but in reality, Great Depression means the lot more, which meant destruction of hopes, dreams and even lives of countless people, even though the minority of people actually use Great Depression to your advantage. Most of people's wealth disappeared with collapse of banks, brutally shattered dreams and hope fire was difficult to light. People were forced to rely on aid from its neighbor at time of crisis and some people are completely broke to be completely helpless in life at that moment of chaos. Great Depression affected many farmers and different people and different companies, mostly in the negative way, while others use Great Depression to your advantage and benefited from event he bought the number of people on their knees.

During Great Depression, farmers throughout United States were hit hard and lived the hard life. This perhaps can be linked to 1926 in 1930 article "Dust Bowl" stated:

Wheat was the real good thing. World needed him and was paying the good price for it. Wheat farmers with tractors, plows and combines in the most purchased by farmers after bumper crop of 1926, began plowing and planting wheat as never before. Lands were planted with wheat year after year without the thought for damage it is doing. Grasslands that should have never been plowed were plowed. Millions of hectares of farmland in Great Plains were broken. (1930 Dust Bowl)

In 1931, there were approximately 12 million bushels of wheat sown, and as people in 1930s Dust Bowl calculates prices of wheat was "sixty-eight cents per bushel in July 1930 to twenty-five cents per bushel, in July 1931 (1930 Dust Bowl.) This left some of farmers broke. Some even abandoned their farms hoping to find the better opportunity. Other farmers worked together to survive, some people living in Great Depression, told reporters Wessel's Farm "Nobody had money. We were all in same boat. "Farmers went through bad weather and drought venture snowstorms" dryness, heat, and grasshoppers destroyed crops, farmers ran out of money to buy food or make farm payments "(Agriculture in decade, 1930) and many men lost their life savings with collapse of many banks. Some men have lost hope and took government jobs, such as building roads and bridges. Thus, Great Depression ally with help relentless ...
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