The Future Prospects For Cloud-Based Enhancement Of E-Business Strategies

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The Future Prospects for Cloud-based Enhancement of e-Business Strategies

The Future Prospects for Cloud-based Enhancement of e-Business Strategies


The paper explores prospective enhancement of e-business strategies through cloud based services. The paper evaluates effectiveness of current application of cloud-based services on an enterprise level by relating and evaluating its impact on the outcome of seven sprints of the unit. The paper recognizes and critically evaluates prevailing views and methods of online business. Finally, a conclusion is drawn based on the critical evaluation and analysis of the prevailing e-business strategies to determine the future outlook of e-business.


The business arena has undergone a swift phase of technological evolution in the last decade. As long as the humanity stepped into the information age, the rivalry and competition of skills and technological expertise among various businesses became evident. The trend of globalization and internet boom has given a new sense of direction to consumer behaviour and buying patterns and it is the reason why every business today strives to capture most of the targeted global consumer segment through electronic business.

As of today, every existing and start up business wishes to be connected to consumers through online 24/7 services. Similar to its evolutionary birth the idea of e-business design has been consistently emerging over the span of time. Electronic business may comprise of tasks over internet and e-services through Application Service Provider (ASP) (Rouse, 2005).

Cloud-based Services

According to recent research studies, cloud has proven to be a major commercial success in the recent years and it is expected to play a significant role in the domain of ICT over the span of coming ten years (Jeffery & Neidecker-Lutz, 2010). There are various underlying reasons that have developed a growing interest of today's e-businesses in the application of cloud, such as growing trend of outsourcing the IT in order to expand the prevailing IT infrastructure, and to reduce management overheads (Jeffery & Neidecker-Lutz, 2010).

Nonetheless, cloud has become populous because of the growing need to minimize the entry barriers for new service providers so that they can make a better and competitive offer to a wide market while facing minimum of infrastructure requirements and entry costs (Jeffery & Neidecker-Lutz, 2010).

E-business Risks & Rewards of Cloud-based Enhancement

According to Berman et. al. (2012), cloud has been widely accepted as a change gamer technology by various business organizations; however, cloud's potential to drive business innovation is yet to be uncovered. There are various risks and rewards associated with the cloud-based enhancement of e-business strategies; however, the point of consideration is that the organization must evaluate its capability and willingness to bear the level of associated risk and current competitive advantage.

According to Jeffery and Neidecker-Lutz (2010), technology and various methods of cloud have not been able to reach their full potential. Many of the cloud capabilities have not been researched and developed to an extent that can allow the exploitation of cloud methods to their optimum capacity while complying with the requirements of possible conditions of usage.

Moreover, issues and risks related to the cloud based ...