The Fundamental State Of Leadership

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The Fundamental State of Leadership

The Fundamental State of Leadership


Challenges and adversities are inevitable part of human life. In a normal state one cannot cope up with the challenges in a way that ensures desired outcome with long lasting stability of excellence. On the contrary, the fundamental stage of leadership ensures a healthy condition of equilibrium where a true leader can elevate other's performance by raising his own work parameters. The pioneer of the concept of The fundamental state of leadership Robert, E. Quinn defines it as ”a state of optimal balance in which we are more likely to challenge others to envision possibility, engage reality, build community and move forward in learning”(Quinn, 2005,13).

My entry into Fundamental State of Leadership

I faced the biggest challenge of my student life when I was in the final year of my Honors in Journalism. I was selected as the editor for my campus magazine that is circulated throughout the Universities of the country and educational communities. I didn't only want to meet my responsibilities as an editor but I also had to prove myself as a learned and skilled team leader by having effective and productive dialogues with my team as their cooperation and dedication was obligatory for the success of magazine. First of all I had to dialogue with them to exchange ideas, share confusions and discuss agendas in a way that reduces pressure on both sides and help me win their confidence. That was a high time to enter the fundamental stage of leadership to modify my instincts, performance and create equilibrium between the annoying tasks and team excellence.

From Comfort to Result Centered

I initiated my transformational phase by navigating from my comfort zone to a result oriented and pragmatic state that could ease the achievements of my goals and objectives. I focused my attentions on the outstanding outcome I wanted to generate by having effective dialogue with my team. I planned to structure my dialogue with the team in a comprehensive and interest evoking way that ensures the betterment of our magazine rather than having a dialogue based on the things enhancing my comfort.

 From Externally Directed to Internally Directed

I made myself realize that I can't excel by imposing the ideal values on myself and just acting in accordance with the expectations of my team as it won't work in the long run. Imitation would never result in a creative and original ...
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