The Flow Of Power

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The Flow of Power

The Flow of Power


“The media's power is frail. Without the people's support, it can be shut off with the ease of turning a light switch.”

(Aquino, C.)

The Topic is based on the relationship between mass media and politics. We will examine the relationship between the two with the help of analysis of the US policies. The paper will focus on the comparison and the effect of the regulatory system on the relationship of them in States. Today's mass media are everywhere, it is virtually impossible to imagine our existence without them, be it television, radio, journalism or advertising, the media are now an inseparable part of our lives. The paper will also highlight the comparison between the two countries namely Montenegro and Newzealand. These two countries are choosen to describe to show the common differences in the relation between the politics and mass media.

We will consider the complex relationship between the structure of media ownership, its dynamic content production and reception of multiple audiences. Moore also described the aspects of mass media and politics in his documents, which keeping in mind we can not draw a simple relationship between those who own the media, which they publish and what they do with that receptor (Moore and Glynn 1998, 67).

The way the media spread the news about politics is what concerns us now, therefore, define policy. Legally politics is not the approach we have sought, and we want to analyze the influence of media on development and outcome of the elections, as well as current trends so that policies accepted by the public. That is, how the media generate public opinion which in turn affects the policy.

This has evolved over time, forms of government have become more comprehensive and clear, and the people have a stake greater than it had at the time of the Greeks, however, the premise of democracy is, People are who choose their leaders (and not the way these rules) and these choices based on ostensible campaign, which relies completely on the media.


Discussing the relationship between the mass media and politics, both could easily be understood by we examine both as the institutions which help in managing the flow of power, because the pattern of controlling and the system of regulating help in organizing media. Traditionally, it is referred to the "national space" that has a power to sets standards that is legal policies on all people and therefore, those involved in communication activities that governed by the coercive measures that States apply.

In addition, the governments of these states are linked by international conventions and other instruments which in principle limit their sovereignty in mass media, the use of outer space for use by satellites in the award to individuals or public services States themselves, fractions of radio spectrum allocated to each State by the "international community" (McNair 1994, 12-35).

Discussion: Comparison

New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy. The New Zealand media industry is dominated by a small number of ...
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