The Family System's Theoretical Perspective

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The Family System's Theoretical Perspective

The Family System's Theoretical Perspective


This paper is a narrative of my family from a theoretical perspective. Here I will discuss how my mother was enmeshed with my sister because she had a disability, because of that she was very distant towards her husband because she did not have time for him. Moreover I will discuss that how I was close with my brother and sisters because my mother raised us all to be close as she was with her sisters because her mother was not involved in their lives. Furthermore I will describe my mother's life, how her stepfather took on the role of mother and father because their mother was not around.


My name is Marquia Nottingham aged 23, I have one brother Elijah Nottingha, he is 24 years old. I have two sisters Ashley, 20 and Jordyn is 8 years old. We all are brought up by our mother Michelle Nottingham-burnetter and stepfather Barry Burnett. I am much attached and close to my brother as we both grew up together. Ashley has a mental illness and she is an introvert. My mother was raised by my grandmother Iva Nesbit and stepfather jimmy Gordon. She has two Sisters Kim and lisa. They grew up very close because my grandmother was never there for them because she grew up in an alcoholic home. My family has a history of cancer. My grandmother died from it and my grandmother's sister died of the same disease as well.

The Triangulation

My mother Michelle Nottingham-Burnetter is in the triangle of her husband and my mentally retarded sister Ashley. The triangle is formed because Ashley is anti-social and remains isolated and separated from everyone most of the time. My mother has to look after her all the time and cannot give time to us and her husband that is my step father Barry Burnett. The triangle has effected the healthy functioning of my family by creating distance between the siblings of mine with my mother except Ashley.

Desirable: My mother does not have time to spend with us as she is always busy in taking care of Ashley. This has also created in my mother's marital relationship and is imposing a bad impact on our family.

Runaway process: There is a development of an undesirable change where anxiety is seen. Anxiety is a normal human emotional state, if it is transient and is a response to various stressful situations, usually negative. There is a failure in our personal lives as we are deprived of the attention of our mother and a stable and healthy relationship between parents.

Family Rules

The family is a system governed by rules. We understand the rules for relational agreements prescribing or limiting behaviors individual in a wide range of areas behavioral, organizing their interaction in a reasonably stable manner. The rules of the family have to configure their relational rituals, which, in turn, serve to enforce the rules. Like any system must have rules or standards and these ...
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