The Experience Of Ambiguous Loss In Families Of Brain Injured Icu Patients name Of The Institution name Of

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The experience of ambiguous loss in families of brain injured ICU patients


This study is an evidence based practice which is done in order to provide the best possible evidence of the research to the health professionals so that it will help in making an appropriate decision for their client. It was observed that brain injury patient have fewer chances to recover. The family of the patient is also affected by the patient's condition that is subjected to ICU. An article was chosen which clearly reflects the experiences of such families that comprise of brain injured patients subjected to intensive care unit. This was the basis of the evidence based practice that is conducted in the study.

The experience of ambiguous loss in families of brain injured ICU patients


I was working at a traumatic center when I witnessed a patient who was suffering from the brain injury and was taken in ICU. In most cases brain injury doe not contribute in the success rate of the operation. This is very serious condition that the patient goes through Patient's family was there to support him which led me to realize that family was supporting and handling the situation with strength. This led to evidence based practice and the research question.

Research question

To what extent do the families go through the ambiguous loss? What are the dimensions of loss that family faces?


Evidence based practice

The evidence based practice is done in order to assist the health professionals by providing with evidence. The goal is to integrate the clinical expertise opinion, search for the scientific evidence and provide with the perspective of the patient or participant in reflecting the needs, values and interest of the person.

Evidence based medicine is the faithful, unequivocal, and wise utilization of current best proof in settling on choices about the care of distinct patients. The act of evidence based drug indicates reconciling single clinical aptitude with the best accessible outside clinical confirmation from precise research. By single clinical skill we mean the capability and judgment that distinct clinicians secure through clinical experience and clinical practice. Expanded ability is reflected from various perspectives, yet particularly in additional viable and productive determination and caring utilization of single patients' issues, rights, and inclination in settling on clinical choices about their care.

Search strategy

Qualitative research will be applied for the analysis of data for the study. This will be done in order to research the aims in more detail. Medical and nursing electronic databases were used for the literature search that was the main method to gather evidences. Databases that were used for investigation includes Cochrane Library, CINAHL and PubMed-Medline. Moreover, additional studies were retrieving in order to get a better insight. The reference related to the experience of those families who has an ambiguous loss because of brain injured patient in ICU was limited by the usage of appropriate keywords such as brain injury patients, family handling the brain injury.

About the article

The article chosen for the study is titled, the experience of ambiguous loss ...