The Evolution And Importance Of Advertising

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The Evolution and Importance of Advertising

The Evolution and Importance of Advertising

How has advertising evolved into its current state?

A lot has changed in the world of advertising and the consumers in today's world believe what the companies pose themselves in advertisements. Previously the only type of advertising that existed was word of mouth. With the passage of time the means of advertising have evolved and in the world today we have print media advertising, electronic media advertising, print advertising, internet advertising etc. All these types of advertising have helped the companies in ensuring that the profits of their company increase and they become successful. The current state of advertising has taken over the minds of the consumers and whatever product they purchase is the result of advertising. This aspect has also created the branding power with which companies are able to differentiate themselves and the consumers have a wide range of choice with which they can choose the product of their choice. The power of advertising is huge in the world today and the purchasing trend has been impacted by this in a significant manner.

Describe changes taking place in today's advertising industry.

The change in the advertising industry is related to the change things take place in the world today. With the fast paced world that is taken over by technology, the way things are being done has changed tremendously. Advertising is no exception. The industry has seen a number of changes and has made sure that the consumers are being targeted in the right manner. Matt Edgar in his article states that radio reached a market of 50 million people in 40 years, whereas, YouTube took only six months to reach the market and now in the line is Google+ (Davies, 2011). These aspects should be noted so that the ...
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