The English Language

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The English Language

The English Language

Statement Evaluation: It is unnecessary for English learners to become perfect speakers of the language, as the majority of them will be interacting with and doing business with other second language speakers.

Stance: Against

It is true that many people settle in places facilitating communication, being close to family or other immigrants who come from the same place in the world. However, there comes a time when every newcomer needs to get out of his comfort zone (Zakaria & Abd, 2011). Learning and speaking English is an important step in the process of setting because it helps newcomers get better jobs, to get involved in their communities, to participate in events, to vote with confidence and express. On the other hand, only 80 percent of the population reports that English or French is their mother tongue (respectively 58 percent and 22 percent). The remaining 20 percent have a mother tongue other than English and French (which includes Aboriginal languages).

Today more than ever it is essential to learn the English language. Every day is used more in almost all areas of knowledge and human development. Practically it can be argued that this is the language of the world. It is, in the era of globalization, the great international language, a "lingua franca" that has affected all non-Anglo-Saxon countries, including Spain, affecting more or less directly to the various fields and professions. Possession can not be treated as a luxury, but a clear need (Gray, 2010). Moreover, even as he said that language would not dominate a distinct disadvantage: it would be as if dumb or semi-literate. And than enough reason to say it. The aim of this paper is, then, to see these reasons and educate youth and their families from the enormous importance of acquiring that language.

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