The Elements Of Style Of Writing; Who Holds The Red Pen

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The Elements of Style of Writing; Who Holds the Red Pen

Red Pen, Education and World's Expectations


Corrective plans play significant role in securing precision. In terms of writing, our school and colleges put in their sincere and consistent efforts in teaching and refining this art of writing. However, the debate has taken over another subject as to find if it is true and ideal to use famous 'red pen' to make correction. This essay aims to establish counter argument against the work of Strunk and White's theory that tends to give almost entire set of rules to follow in order to make flawless writing. The belief has to change since there are now numerous researches to advocate 'no red pen' policy. According to the modern researches, the use of red pen hampers the process of learning. Rules and syntax are important but not more important than expression of emotions and feelings. A piece of writing with complete precision but lacking appropriate communication of passion and true feelings that make the writing connected to the reader. No one is denying the role accuracy in a piece of writing and no one intends to transfers incomplete knowledge to the students. The point of question is that with the change of modes the writing style has to be altered on the need basis. The time has come to decide either to choose high range of grammar with other supportive rules and expression of emotions (Menand, 2004).


The world has undergone several changes that have also affected the writing styles. One can see the writing style on e-mails, SMS, Pager etc has changed the way of writing communication. The gist of communication propagates the idea of transfer of message and not the formation of language. Even the formation of the language depends on the motive and the intellect of the receiving end. The entire efforts reside in the exchange of ideas. In the same context, the world has experienced many changes and even the vocabulary has also been altered with the inclusion and exclusion of many words and phrases. Now the language matters until and unless it is producing sense for the readers. Now the writers and readers both have their prime aim to save their time and have replaced longer words with shorter ones with the change of spellings. Besides, there is another fact that different countries are coming up with their own pattern of English which may be inspired of actual English, yet different at many focal points (Pullum, 2009).

A creative thought can come from any person whether literate or illiterate mind. The express of ideas matter and if the rules are more important than the ideas are likely to remain within the minds. The insinuation of rules restricts the minds to think out of the box. There is a counter argument that says that unless a person does not learn the paradigm of a language, he/ she will not have the right placement of words to express ideas and ...