The Elderly With Dementia

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The Elderly with Dementia

[Date of Submission]






Discussion of Evidence3

Responsibilities of the Paramedical Staff3

Training the Paramedical Staff5

An Interesting Step taken for the betterment6

Admiral Nurses7

Some Quantitative Facts7

Dementia in Scotland10

Technological Advancements11

Medical Advancements12



The Elderly with Dementia


Although humans are a social animal, but in spite of this fact they have a desire to live in an environment which is familiar to them this makes them comfortable especially in old age when the desire to explore the world slows down. The elderly who are suffering from some chronic diseases feel the need of living alone more than the other elderly of ill people. People who are expecting that they might have to spend their old ages in elderly centers is also making their plans accordingly (Feilo & Warren, 2002, p. 241).

Dementia patients are distressed creatures and are in desperate need of being nurtured well. Various centers are maintained for taking a better care of such individuals as their special needs are not able to be catered in a normal old age house. Various attempts are made in order to make better setting for providing their specific need adequate services. An example of these specific settings can be the sample of the study by Motenko, (1999). In the sample, elderly women were providing services to their husbands suffering from dementia.


The term dementia is mainly used for a chronic disease found in numerous elderly people throughout the world. Adults which are not part of the elderly group might also become a victim of this particular disease. There is a very less chance of occurrence of these diseases in younger age, but it does not mean that it cannot actually occur in young age. Dementia is basically a progressive deterioration in the cognitive functioning of the human beings; this is basically their thinking process or their intelligence. The term progressive tells that the condition of the affected elderly get worsen with the span of time. This might be a result of a severe stroke or sometimes it nay occurs as a result of nothing at all (Feilo & Warren, 2002).

All the things which are directly related to the brain are under the threat of this particular disease. This may include problem solving skills of the individual, memory, knowledge and even the language might be affected. It normally start like a minor memory problem and leads towards serious memory issues, in which the affected person might even forget faces of the known ones, important dates or even the running year (Fernando et al, 2010).


The aim of this study is to make an understanding regarding a specific group of people which are confronting different kinds of problems. They are usually neglected due t the fact that most of them are overly aged, and this makes everybody thinking that they are no more able to contribute in the society in case they are given medication for it. The study will discuss all the factors which are affecting dementia patients and their special ...
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