The Effects Of Abusive Relationships

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The Effects of Abusive Relationships

The Effects of Abusive Relationships


The purpose of this research paper is to discuss the Effects of Abusive Relationships. Abuse comes in many forms such as physical, emotional, mental, and sexual abuses. A person who is being abused should consider several factors. Ending an abusive relationship is not as simple as putting an end to a typical relationship. If we leave an abusive relationship, we must carefully plan an exit strategy. Violence in relationships is commonly called domestic violence which is a big problem in our society (Evans, 2010).

Being in an abusive relationship is traumatic, but leaving the relationship does not always erase the damage that has been done. Dealing with being abused erodes a person's self-esteem. The feelings of being useless are often the product of being constantly reprimanded. Abusers work hard to isolate the abused person to keep the victim under their control. Once the abused person has been isolated from a significant amount of time, it is difficult for the person to function as a social individual. Domestic violence encompasses all acts of violence, from the use of physical force, to bullying, harassment, or intimidation. Violence against children, violence against women, and violence against the elderly dependents are more prevalent in the field of family. The Domestic Violence has become severe in our country, it is important to identify why the problem of exist and how to reduce the problem of domestic violence (Marnie, 2011).

Discussion and Analysis

Isolation is the perfect environment to encourage drug abuse. The feelings that an abusive relationship can leave behind can continue to feed the need for medications. An abused person often has difficulty trusting people. There is the constant fear of being abused again. This can lead to more destructive behavior, including returning to the abusive situation or getting into a relationship with an abuser again. Emotional abuse can be performed by a person without conscious awareness that is being done. The actions of the abuser may be due to the fact that he was abused or even being abused. Emotional abuse can come in many forms and degrees of severity.

Victims of emotional abuse are usually couples or children and the results can be devastating. Besides the obvious physical pain, there are many psychological effects of domestic violence that are mentally and emotionally damaging. Victims are often dependent on their abusers and lose all sense of self-awareness and empowerment. Abusive marriages can suffer aggression, emotional problems; sleep disorders such as insomnia or bedwetting, and anxiety, which are more likely to end up in an abusive relationship itself, either as perpetrator or the victim (Wilson, 2009).

Most people who have been victims of psychological abuse in relationships experience various kinds of physical or sexual abuse and such people have difficulty recognizing that their human rights have been violated. Despite their suffering, they lack confidence in themselves and blame themselves for being abused emotionally. Some emotional abuse such as bullying in the workplace or repeated humiliations childhood ruin ...
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