The Effect Of Terrorist Attack On American Citizens

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The Effect of Terrorist Attack On American Citizens

The Effect of Terrorist Attack On American Citizens


The impacts of terrorism on the American citizens have been huge since the past few years. The citizens have been hugely affected by the different terrorist activities that have been carried especially after the attacks on the World Trade Centre. The life of the people has been impacted a lot by the terrorist attacks and it has been difficult for them to live peacefully now. Everyday they threat a terrorist attack and it is due to this threat that they are unable to live enjoy their lives. In order to learn the impact of terrorism on the people of the America, the meaning of terrorism should be understood.

Terrorist acts committed in the United States September 11, 2001, as well as the actions of illegal armed groups operating in the Caucasus and Central Asia, and use terrorist methods, have attracted particular attention to the problem of terrorism is not only the security services, but also of science, politics, trying to contribute to its solution. Despite the fact that fight against terrorism for over 30 years, has not yet been worked out a common definition of this concept.

Terrorism is the use of violence or threat to use it for political purposes, it is directed against individual victims or larger groups and that its scope often transcends national boundaries. The term implies an action carried out by antigovernment groups, both operating outside the usual parameters of wars and sometimes aim to foster confusion, fear, intimidation, coercion, destabilization, pressure or implementing military strategies and tactics for political or paramilitary determined within or outside a country.

Causes of Terrorism

International organizations and scientists are constantly paying attention to the causes of terrorism. This problem is one of the major problems in the development and improvement of the legal measures to combat terrorism. On how accurately the reasons for this are set a particularly serious crime, will depend on the effectiveness of measures taken to combat it, and their further improvement. For a sufficiently large choice of bases criminological classification of the causes and conditions in the domestic crime of criminology, the highlighted factors that characterize terrorism in content, or spheres of social life include: legal, social, economic, organizational, managerial, educational, ideological, psychological, social, political and other causes and conditions or processes and phenomena that cause crime in these areas of life (Schmid, 1993, pp. 25).

Terrorism can be a breeding ground where the people are poor, where people face anmity and other such problems. Socio-economic environment in the country, if does not improve can cause terrorism. Unemployment especially is the major reason.

The causes of terrorism as follows:

Social - economic



Socio-economic reasons

A marked decline in living standards combined with unprecedented increased social differentiation, which brings to life such socio-psychological factors such as anger, envy, hatred, nostalgia for the past, and so on.

The economic and energy crisis, rising prices and inflation.

The crisis a number of social and professional groups, especially the military, with ...
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