The Effect Of Stress In The Workplace

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The Effect of Stress in the Workplace

The Effect of Stress in the Workplace


Stress is a physical response to the challenge posed by the environment. When we talk about job stress, we mean the physical and emotional response to the challenge posed by the job. We often take the stress in unfavorable terms, but there is positive stress as well which is known as eustress. Today we live in a capitalistic world where profit making is considered to be the ultimate aim of the existence. Therefore, the organizations reason for existence is there to make more and more profit. That are why the humanistic element is gone missing a day by day, and the stress factor has become much more evident than before. This essay is about what stress are there at the workplace and how to manage it. Identification and treatment of stress is very complex (Yousef, 2005).

Employees have to confront different types of challenges in their workplace on a daily basis. There are a number of factors which result in their poor performance. It could be working conditions, inability to cope with pressures, nature of relationship with bosses.

The problem I have chosen is Job Stress. In Organizations today, most employees have to overcome psychological barriers in order to perform well. Their performance might also be attributed to the stressors prevalent in the workplace. When they are not able to achieve their goals, Stress occurs, as a result. It can have a physical as well as an emotional impact on the employee.

There is a surge in job stress when a discrepancy exists between the expectations of employer and the employee's ability to fulfill those expectations. Whenever there is a wide gap between the two, there is the presence of Job Stress. It could be due to excessive workload, difficult relationships among colleagues and bosses, lack of empowerment. Job Stress can result in a variety of conditions. Employees could be exposed to anxiety, depression, fatigue, aggression.

In order to counter the threat of Job Stress, many Organizations have designed stress management programs which help the employee become stress free. Organizations know that most of the stressors would not only harm the employee's performance but can have a devastating affect on his mental health.


Nature of Job

The nature of Job also plays an important role in the creation of Job Stress. When the work is physically demanding, and one is not passionate to do it, satisfaction would decrease. Thus, Job Stress would increase. It has been seen that people with low level of income and have to do laborious work would be more exposed to job stress. Job Stress has far reaching implications on a person. If he is stressed today, he might not be able to concentrate and focus on his work for a long time (Park, 2007).

Stress Management Programs

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