The Effect Of Homeless African American Youths

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The effect of homeless African American youths

The effect of homeless African American youths


The problem of homelessness is a common alarming condition in the youths of U.S. and the estimated annual ratio of homeless youth is around five percent among ages from twelve to seventeen. However these homeless youth are present in all nation, but they are more visible in U.S. major cities. There is limited research conducted on this homeless youth population, therefore clear picture of this problem is not understood and analyzed clearly. Regardless of the limited research, this study describes the issue of homeless youth as a huge and varied group. It is also identified that there are various problems in homeless youths that overlaps each other. These problems include substance abuse, medical issues, and mental and emotional issues with the homeless youth. Problem statement of the study also recommends that complete and customized services are required which resolves the short term and long term issues and requirements of the homeless youth. It is also to mention that these services should add assistance with attaining the essential needs which are recognized by the homeless youth is much appropriate. In addition to providing services to the homeless population, interference is also required to reduce the risk of homelessness among the youth of nation.

It is also notable that the problem of homelessness among youth is alarming and complex issue in the United States and other nations. It is also observed that there is increasingly high rate of problems related to health issues, behavioral and emotional issues, and substance use. There is a potential risk of health problems in homeless youth and it can disrupts normal education and socialization, which more likely affects the ability of homeless youth to live independently in his future living. This study provides the outline of homeless youth in US, especially African American and the affect of homelessness on sexual and substance abuse.

However, the literature available on homeless adults has main limits to the literature. The main limitation is the limited research on this issue. However, most of the information and research on the homeless youth is mostly old and mostly disappeared. As a component of the study, it is comparatively less perfect as compared with existing research on homeless families or youths. Information and data homeless adults is mostly related to the major cities and might not give proper picture of the homeless youth living in other areas, and therefore, various methods and definitions often restricts significant comparison. On the other side, samples related to cross sectional data over represent homeless youth on long term basis, therefore gives over estimation of the components associated to persistent homelessness. However, most of the research does not have perfect strategies for sampling of data, which restricts their simplicity in the research. Therefore, predicting the complete and concrete picture of homeless youth is difficult. In some scenarios, the characteristics defined by the study regarding homeless youth might base on single study. On the other hand, multiple studies are ...