The Effect Of Caffeine On Memory

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The Effect of Caffeine on Memory

The Effect of Caffeine on Memory

Caffeine's Effect on Memory

Caffeine is known for its stimulating effect, which ensures that you are awake and feeling fit. Caffeine is one of those products which are highly consuming by almost every individual. The consumption of caffeine has been witness on a daily basis. People tend to consume caffeine in order to freshen themselves from stress and sleep. However, many individuals still consider removing caffeine from their diet to be an important step in improving their health. According to Schwartz, dendritic spines, which extend from the central neurons, which contain calcium stores may be expelled into the intercellular space once exposed to caffeine. It is believed that such deposits of calcium play a regulatory role in signal transmission in the brain (Schwartz, 2010). That's where the work takes on great significance according to researchers at the Weizmann Institute, who have been able to confirm that the calcium release induced by caffeine causes a rapid and significant proliferation of existing dendritic spines in the hippocampus, a key brain region learning and memory. Coffee is the major source of caffeine. Coffee is a drink made ??from roasted beans coffee tree. Due to the presence of caffine in the contents of coffee it has a stimulating effect. Coffee is a drink which is obtained from the seeds of the coffee tree from a shrub of the genus Coffea.

Literature Review

The following three journal articles have been reviewed on the effect of caffeine on memory.

“Effects of caffeine on learning and memory in rats tested in the Morris water maze,”

In this study, the researchers conducted an experiment on mice to find out the effect of caffeine on learning and memory. The researchers provided the 12 adult male rats with caffeine and analyzed their training session 30 minutes before the consumption of caffeine and 30 minutes after the consumption of caffeine (Cunha, 2002). According to the researchers, the performance of the mice improved after consumption of caffeine. The data of the research proved that caffeine improves memory retention but not memory acquisition.

“State-Dependent Memory Effects Using Caffeine and Placebo Do Not Extend to Metamemory

In this research, the effect of caffeine on the memory of the humans has been demonstrated. The researchers conducted an experiment in which 83 students drank drinks containing caffeine or placebo before studying 40 pairs of words given to them. While the participants studied, they predicted their future memory performance for each word pair. The next day, the same procedure was followed. The researchers found out the students who had the same drink on both days recalled more words in comparison with the students who had a different drink in both the days. The research concluded that an individual's memory and their predictions of memory can be influenced in different ways if they drink caffeine before they study or take a test (Kelemen & Creeley, 2003).

The Buzz on Caffeine

This journal article was about the usage of caffeine among the ...
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