The Economic Organization Of A P.O.W. Camp

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The Economic Organization of a P.O.W. Camp

The Economic Organization of a P.O.W. CampIntroduction

The abnormal circumstances (bad ideas and habits) of the outside world reflected in the prisoner of war camp. Present ideas and future existence build the camp organization. P.O.W camp is the simple organization but it is developed as a vital society. As P.O.W camp provides the live example of the economy and used as an alternative of Robinson Crusoe economy. It is just the case study but the researchers found the similarity between the prison life and the outside life which changes the overall economy of the country.


Development of Exchange System in the POW Camp

Different needs of the prisoner create the exchange system in the P.O.W camp. Active trading was made between all the consumers in the prison and most of the trading was done for the food. Ration was consisted in the supplies of the food which was given by the detaining power and the Red Cross. Those food parcels include jam, butter, milk, biscuits, chocolate, sugar, cigarettes etc. Regular and equal supply of food was given to each prisoner. Parcels of private items like clothing, toilet paper etc were also provided. All these items were used as the subject of exchange and trade.

Failure of Attempt

When the people realized that the exchange creates the problem because of the inequalities of supplies (like size and worth etc). So for maximizing the individual satisfaction, more goodwill was produced in the trading and exchanges. Then the trading starts between the cigarette smoker and non smoker. Non smoker gave the cigarette for the chocolate ration. This is the complicated process of exchange but soon it becomes the habit and custom of the prisoner. In this way, all the camp in the Germany adopted the exchange system. But exchange system does not ...