The Dubes' Phenomenon

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Case Study: The Dubes' Phenomenon

Case Study: The Dubes' Phenomenon

A company that wants to stand out in the market need to create methods to strengthen its brand image, incorporating beyond the technical qualities, the qualities that emphasize the relationship between the brand and its values with consumers. This fact favors the competitiveness, which is great for consumers, but a major challenge for companies. To be competitive in the market is not enough to meet the needs and desires of the consumer, but also offer product / service innovation that may surprise Dubes. Dubes' brand is Dubes' greatest asset (Schau, Muniz Jr & Arnould, 2009). Major brands transfer values to what is offered to the public, because they also create emotional benefits that lead to loyalty.

Brand value is formed by a set of positive associations with the product / service and Dubes itself, which translates into intangible results as acceptance, satisfaction and benefits. Consequently, these results are converted into tangible results, and one can measure the return on appropriate investments to marketing efforts (Wymer & Samu, 2009). The depth of brand awareness is related to the likelihood that the brand will be remembered in this way, we can define brand positioning as the creation of superior brand in consumers' minds. Positioning involves convincing consumers of the benefits of their products against the competition, and while alleviating concerns about possible disadvantages.

However it is important to note that Dubes cannot take the hat positioning and magically fix it in the mind of consumers. Positioning is a process, not an act. It is a continuous process of persuasion to encourage the client to think in a certain way, and not a unilateral action by the marketer (Schroeder, 2009). To stand out in the market, it is essential that Dubes create methods to strengthen the brand image by incorporating, in addition to its technical qualities, the points that emphasize the relationship between the brand and its values to Dubes' audience.

The visual identity summarizes the name, brand, product, among other features, in a single symbol, which represents the type of work Dubes in addition to its social values and market. Investing in marketing is a crucial step in the identification of business with Dubes' target audience, which consequently brings growth and a good positioning in the segment in which Dubes operates (Trueman, Cornelius & Wallace, 2012). When searching for a product or service, Dubes' customer decide between several options available. A good visual identity that is strong, is one of the first factors that analyzes the consumer to meet specific company.

Thus, out in front who has a more prominent, which promotes the public's identification with the company. Obviously, only a beautiful material does not guarantee the sale, it is necessary to offer a product or service quality, but it makes much difference, because it shows that Dubes value what Dubes do (Brodie & Glynn, 2010). If Dubes do not bother to look after his own image, people may be in doubt if Dubes have the ...