The Drama Of The Scripture

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The Drama of the Scripture

The Drama of Scripture: Finding our Place in the Biblical Story


Theologists have always attempted to understand the Bible in many terms, but only a few have attempted it as a drama. Craig G. Bartholomew and Michael W. Goheen have attempted and were successful in portraying the Bible as an act, which is easy for anyone to understand. The authors have suggested, in the book that it is only proper to comprehend and apply the Bible as a story which is for us. When we think of it as a story, only then one sees it applicable oneself. After entering the story of the Bible, we find it easier for us to be a part of God's revelation and His creative activity. These are the establishment of Christian thought and life. The authors keep this standpoint in mind while transforming the Bible into a story.


God's Rationale Explained

Bartholomew and Goheen have kept two views in mind, the Old Testament and the New Testament both. Both these premises summarize the works of God, best. If we look at both of the Testaments carefully, God's rationale can be clearly seen.The authors have displayed the Bible as a drama with six parts - creation, sin, Israel, Jesus, mission and new creation. It is not only a Biblical drama, but it s a document which explains God's work in making this universe and the part that we have to play in this continuous process.

Drama of the Scripture

This book is not only for the students, but it appeals to a much wider audience. The authors want their addressees to recognize the real spirit of Scripture and read the Bible in a systematic way so that they can apply it in their own lives, living their lives through the correct Christian way. In the first Act; God proclaims that He is going to 'create'. The universe, Adam and Eve and fellow human kind to use, live and rejoice the gifts that God has bestowed upon them. In the Second Act; the humanity rebels and denied that they will not live under God's umbrella and by doing so, they unleash disaster upon themselves. In the Third Act; the Creator chooses the people of Israel to act upon his word and be a beacon of light to the rest of the human race. Israelis fail in this endeavor. But God guarantees that He will not punish the people of Israel and their mistake will not stop Him from fulfilling His plan. In the Fourth Act; God sends a savior, Jesus Christ. Christ leads his people (Israelis) and makes them the pioneer for all mankind. He goes beyond and conquers the sin prevailing in the world, rises the dead and foretells the people of the salvation that is coming ahead for them. In the Fifth Act; the mission of the church unfolds before the eyes, but it is incomplete. It does take us from Jerusalem to Rome, but the end is untold because it will continue ...