[The Dilemma of Flavour and Colour in the Choice of Packaging by Children]
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In this study we try to explore the concept of “The Dilemma of Flavour and Colour in the Choice of Packaging by Children” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “The Dilemma of Flavour and Colour in the Choice of Packaging by Children” and its relation with “children tastes”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “The Dilemma of Flavour and Colour in the Choice of Packaging by Children” and tries to gauge its effect on “selection process”. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “The Dilemma of Flavour and Colour in the Choice of Packaging by Children” and tries to describe the overall effect of “children selection” on “Subtopic”.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Background to Your Topic
This issue demonstrates the advertising function of the packaging, as well as its technical function. This function can be broken down into two “sub-functions”: visibility (the packaging attracts the consumer's attention) and promotion (the packaging promotes the product that it contains by managing to arouse various mental images in the consumer's mind)
As far as children are concerned, the role of the packaging becomes crucial. For the child, it represents a marker that cannot be ignored and the main vector of visual recognition of the product in-store. This is possible due to different signifiers, for example the brand character or the colour of the packaging. The packaging is considered as a strong element in helping young children make decisions
In fact the design of the packaging is now a determining factor in brands' success. However, the ability of the packaging to build a strong brand through favourable brand associations has not been analyzed very much in research. And yet, colour is one of the elements likely to generate these positive associations.
Research aim/question and objectives
Packaging, and in particular it's advertising function, have not been subject to much marketing research. The main French studies mainly analyzed the influence of the design and the imagery on the consumer's behaviour, and more generally on the positioning of the product.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Children, Packaging and Colour: Literature Review
Packaging, and in particular it's advertising function, have not been subject to much marketing research. The main French studies mainly analyzed the influence of the design and the imagery on the consumer's behaviour, and more generally on the positioning of the product.
Children and Packaging
There is also little analysis on this dimension of the product and its effects on purchasing behaviour with regard to the children's ...