The Difference Between Fake And Real Emotions In Life And Art

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The Difference Between Fake And Real Emotions In Life And Art

The Difference Between Fake And Real Emotions In Life And Art

The complete reviewing strategy is broken. Or hopelessly corrupt. Movie editors thirst you to think that they are operating the equal way as music or art critics, but they're actually just an extension of the Hollywood PR machine. Film editors, even at tony addresses like The New York Times and Time magazine, are advertisement flacks for the studios and the DVD releasing companies. I academic a media critic bemoaning the fact that 80 percent of what appears in the daily newspaper is the product of federal and commerce press releases. Well, I have news for him. When it comes to film coverage, forget approximate that twenty percent of original research. Film coverage in The Times or Newsweek or Time magazine is 100 percent the product of press releases!

Well you could say that it means that you can buy your way into the paper. The news becomes a form of advertising. The cultural of salesmanship bleeds out of the ads and into the stories. The newspaper is no longer a chronicle of the majority important events and opinions; it becomes a record of what money and energy, the commerce publicists and press officers with the majority cultural clout thirst you to interpret and believe.

But that's not currently an adequate describe of the scope of the problem. The location we are in is actually much stranger and more disturbing. “Fact” and “fiction” are no longer different realms. We live in a cultural of unreality where the news - and much else - is fraction of several third realm of synthetic reality. Fiction has become fact.

It's why it's so funny as shortly as journalists beat their breasts across Jason Blair's fabrications or ...
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