The Crystal Digital Inc

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The Crystal Digital Inc

The Crystal Digital Inc


This paper observes the performance of the company team in the process of simulation and the performance of the team as a group. The Crystal Digital Inc. is one of the foremost global camera manufacturers in the world. This paper includes the basic competitive strategies of the company and its rivals in order to attain the competitive advantage. The offensive and defensive strategies and the strategic approach of the company are also part of this paper. In this paper, we will also discuss the reasons of shifting the resources from one region to another, continuous improvements in the value chain activities, and different operation and decision making styles of the company.

Basic Competitive Strategies

Actions for Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Crystal Digital Talent System/Profile

The crystal digital inc. Obtained competitive advantage by reviewing the profiles of employees and staffing plan, and dispatch talent transversely the organization. Through this strategy, the company makes certain that the employees have the right talent and skills to achieve their goals.

Expand Production and Distribution Capability

The company is also using the strategy of expanding production and distribution capabilities of the company. Through this strategy Crystal, digital is planned to enhance on the whole market shares of the multi-featured segment to buildup the value of the shareholders.

Agile Manufacturing Strategy

Through this strategy, the company is able to response quickly to the need of customers and the change in the market for the cameras whereas still scheming the quality and cost (Sadin, 2007). This strategy is helpful for the company to attain the competitive advantage through the use of innovative and advance technology.

Strategy of Increase Global Market Shares

Through this strategy Crystal, digital is obtaining the solid ground in Asia with a market share of 20% on both segments. With the help of this strategy, the company is achieving the competitive advantage over its competitors.

Actions of Competitors to Achieve the Competitive Advantage

The Industry competitors of the company are Azure, Digi Camera, Elite Camera Corp and Bikon who are offering the same range of products and working in the same markets. The competition in the industry is high because each of the rivals is seeking to differentiate their offerings by distinguishing through new functions and features. The competitors are trying to achieve competitive advantage via offering the other ranges of innovative smart products and targeted the new market. Thus, new entrants like Crystal Digital will face competition from its main rivals.

Offensive and Defensive Strategic Options

Offensive Strategies

Offensive strategies are defines as, the firms are engaging in the strategies in order to achieve the competitive position by taking the large part of the market share. These strategies involve direct and indirect assaults or moving into novel markets to avoid current competitors (Yannopoulos 2011). The company is using the cost provider offensive strategy, through this strategy Crystal digital make a distinction its product while contributing low cost compare to its competitors as a strategy of competition in orde successfully compete in the market. With the help of this strategy option Crystal Digital ...