The Cost Of Justice

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The Cost of Justice

The Cost of Justice


Justice is the conception that every age and civilization have about their legal meaning. It is a value determined by society. It is born of the need to maintain harmony among its members. This article discusses the statement if we are achieving justice in modern society and provides a cost and benefit analysis of justice system prevalent in society (Cohen, 2005).


What is justice?

Justice is not the giving or sharing things to mankind, but the knowledge to decide who owns the right thing. Justice is ethics, fairness and honesty. It is the constant will of giving to each what is his fair share in society. It is one of righteousness that rules concerning the conduct and compels us to respect the rights of others. Justice is one set of values, property or interests which is meant for the protection of men (Harvey, 1975).

Are we achieving it?

The question that is justice being achieved in society is very subjective and varies in different factions in the society. There are different forms of justice presently in effect in our society.

Justice is achieved when each and every member of society performs his social, moral, economic and social duties with pure intention of well being of self without causing detriment to the society. Considering our society justice is being achieved to a fair extent as dynamic media highlights the social and economical issues that are addressed by the concerned authorities. However in my opinion at intellectual level justice is not being achieved in the society as in present capitalist society economic benefits are not distributed with equity and fairness. Transnational organizations are assumed to hold majority of economic resources internationally and individuals directly or indirectly affiliated with those organizations get the opportunity of enjoying relatively higher economic benefits than their fellow society members who do not get chance to get affiliated with such organizations. This is the intellectual corruption or lack of justice that in my opinion is not being achieved. Although such organizations attempt to give back something out of their earnings to the society but at macro-level this creates factions in society that increase the gap between affluent and have-nots (Mears, 2010).

One can say that a particular positive law can be "just or unjust," according to an ideal Justice subjective. All virtues are included in court. In short, true justice is the art of giving to each his ...
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