The Converging Effect Of Environmental And Marine Science On Climate Change

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The Converging Effect of Environmental and Marine Science on Climate Change

The Converging Effect of Environmental and Marine Science on Climate Change


Changeclimatenaturalprocessthatacquiresyearsanyspecificregiontransformmildcoldorwarmhot It is an ongoing process that probably has changed according to the change in climatic conditions. Human interference in the way climate turnaround has brought swift changes in the climate variations and now environment is responding to the collision made by human machinery on climate variations. The converging effect of environmental and marine science on climate has rapidly changed, though the process is slow, but the technologies have a quick effect on these changes. The effect of environmental and marine science left both positive and adverse impacts on the climate due to which the climatic conditions have slightly disturbed. The environment has affected people and climate in many ways such as hurricanes, cyclones, thunderstorms, heat and cold waves. Through this way, the environment has disturbed the monotonous way of climate which has further negative aspects on the climate and their sudden change (Nordhaus, 2007).


Overlap and Synergistic Connections

The convergence effect on climate has carried out by two enormous changes such as environmental and marine science. Both have special and different characteristics that would probably on the peak at their pinnacle time and left a side effects due to which the change in climate has occurred. The overlap connections of both effect on climate changes has variations in climatic temperatures due to which the hurricane, tornadoes, cyclone, strong wind has happened, which mostly have a negative impact on the climate and the peoples. The marine effect has the face by the aquatic creatures because the temperature in water mostly occurs due to change in earth plates due to which the Tsunami and water cyclone issue have faced. Both have different effects on the climate and change according to it (Nelson,, 2007).

The synergistic connections of both have significant features which change the climatic conditions on different aspects. The environment and marine science have different qualities that probably vary according to their specifications. In the environment, the change in climate has occurred due to pollution, humidity, and the other surrounding effects which have a high contribution for changing the climatic conditions. As far as, marine science, this change has faced by the marine creatures which may occur due to ecosystems.

Components of Two Natural Science

The traditional disciplines have their own significant principles which define the climatic changes and the properties which enhanced to transform this climate (Hughes,, 2005). The components of two natural sciences are different from the traditional disciplines because they may not the significance level of these climatic changes. The environment and marine science may change due to different surrounding characteristics which has affected by the climate, and the result is climate has changed. The environmental science has described the psychological change with respect to temperature, humidity, winds and the various other factors which enhanced the chances of change in climate. The marine science has different characteristic which circulates inside the ...