The Continuum Of Mental Health

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The Continuum of Mental Health

The Continuum of Mental Health


A twenty-year-old university student Tim O'Connor is suffering from depression. The background of this case is that; he loved his girl friend who died six months before in a tragic accident. The span of their relationship was about five years, which is a long period. This incident has affected the mental health of Tim, and he has becomes a patient of reactive depression. Tim consulted several therapists to get proper nursing care which also involves psychodynamic psychotherapy.

For complete understanding of Tim's condition, as a nurse first I'll think over the other risk factors also. Because it is not necessary that only due to this accident he is suffering from this condition, possibly he also suffered the stressed condition in his childhood. As he is quite young and may be a drug user from the starting phase of adolescent and his girl friend brought him back to the life. In the adolescent mental health problems, an evident rise has been accredited to a bigger amount of children that are exposed to stresses of the early life like the child neglect and abuse. However, the awareness of increased occurrence, as noted, occurs from the increased alertness of a mental disorder that has been diagnosed for a long time by the professionals of health care (McDermott, 2011).

Since Tim was suffering from depression, and the term depression is used to explain the passing states of low mood experienced by people in their lives. As he is young and passed from a horrible phase, the unexpected thing happened, it made him sad and made his conscious level low. Tim's state of mind remained unstable. Depression is comprehended to be a state that normally arrives and leaves, that is more probably at specific phases of the life cycle. It is also being observed for the obsessed by biological and genetic factors and other kinds of reaction to the main events of life (NHPA, 2013).

In the lifestyle of the psychiatric patients, major global shifts were observed in the past century. The intakes of dietary and nutrition have modified with a considerable increase with the utilization of snack and take-away foods, sugar and high-energy foods. However, the utilization of the nutrient-dense foods has diminished and lessened. Urbanisation and industrialisation, on physical activity levels, have had a considerable impact and more than thirty percent of the world population is considered as inadequately physically active. In the developed and developing countries, according to the World Health Organization, the lifestyle-driven, chronic, and non-communicable diseases are at present the major providers to premature deaths. At present, depression inflicts the main burden of illness in the high and middle-income nations, and it is increasing in adults and adolescents (Jacka & Berk, 2012).


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