The Consultant

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The Consultant


Marketing research process is the efficient tools that help to define the position of the business in the market among others competitors. It further provides affluent techniques through which the business can improve their position by adopting strong marketing segmentation techniques or strategies that can beneficial for the business. In this research, the health care organization has lessened his position in the market and being as a consultant, it is my basic responsibility to examine all those lacking strategies which has negatively affected the health care organization. This can be possible by proper market research and focus the past strategies through which the health business has lost his position, and the customer satisfaction scale is also negatively affected. The market research and a that is being for highlighting the negative factors and through which the researchers can implement new and robust that for the. By working according to all new strategies and implementing it on an accurate way will effectual for obtaining good results and get back the good position in the market.

The Consultant


Consultancy is the proactive approach that may help to stay away from any significant nuisance. Being as a representative leader of a consulting firm, it is a primary or fundamental duty to provide extensive knowledge to the selected health care organization. To provide proper and accurate knowledge about their business and the steps this may prolong their business in a good way. The consultancy is the best practices which provide affluent help to the people. For a health care organization, the strong marketing strategies are an effective approach which may change the shape of a business. When different competitors are prevailing in the market, and everyone used their sound strategies that enhance the capacity and productivity of their business than it requires strong marketing plan which may help to precede their health care business and have a capability to compete with different competitors. Being working in the health care organization it is better to work according to basic research process steps which helpful for the health care organization to adopt it and provide affluent outcomes for their organization (Van Doren & Spielman, 1989).


Marketing Research Process

Marketing research process is a complete process that stepwise works which helpful for the any business to work according it and obtain prosperous success in business among other market competitors. It is a systematic methodology for enlightened the business decisions. Though, the health care organization has lost his value or goodwill in the market and various others health care businesses have taken his position. For this, they need to improve their marketing strategies which will help them to eradicate all lacking sources that made their business weaken. The marketing research has six basic steps which help health care to adopt business decision that help them to sustain in the market.

The six steps of marketing research process we can see in the above diagrams

Define Objective & Problem

The most significant step of marketing research process is designing an ...
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