The Constitutional Rights Of Employees

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The Constitutional Rights of Employees

Case 6.1 GOLDMAN v. WEINBERGER (1986)

Answer no 1

An opinion on Justice Blackmun

In the case of Goldman v. Weinberger of 1986, I totally agree with Justice Blackmun that it is too facile to justify standardization on the claim of the statement given by Supreme Court. I agree with the dissent against the claim of Goldman. The statement rejects the request of giving an exception to Goldman on the reason that they were afraid by giving an exemption to Goldman will pave the way for many others to seek these types of exceptions. The Supreme Court's decision explained that, to follow the directives was allowable to serve the military's interest in the case of uniformity. The code of conduct of military requires wearing same uniforms, the military depresses distinctiveness and builds a similar uniform, restricted military. Goldman was having the fair in the mind of committing violation of his religion by not wearing his traditional yarmulke. The decision given by the Supreme Court against Goldman, who working in the health unit in the Air Force rejected by Justice Blackmun on the grounds of religious freedom and the way of conducting the case of Goldman. He emphasized that there must be a fair and free trial of the case of Goldman by giving him full independence of speaking. The Court discards the claim of Captain Goldman devoid of even the smallest amount of attempt to consider his stated right to exercise freely his religion adjacent to the concern of the Air Force in standardization of dress within the Air Force hospital.

Answer no 2

The case of Goldman and position of Airforce

No, the Air Force never required waiting and seeing how many claim like Goldman's arise. To understand the depth of a matter there is a single precedent enough for the Air Force. The precedent which Goldman has made is far enough to justify his claim. There also was not any confirmation that the Air Force wanted to keep complete uniformity in terms of wearing dress. in actual fact, according to Air Force regulations, no one expects complete uniformity of appearance, neither public nor Air Force. Every member has the right to articulate independence all the way through his appearance. This independency is to be carried out in some guided limits and being the member of the Air Force, it is obligatory to obey these rules.

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