The Constitution Of Florida

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The Constitution of Florida

The Constitution of Florida


In 1865, after the civil war, the State of Florida re-entered in the Union along with new the new constitution. In 1968, the constitution of Florida had revised which is still in action. There are 12 articles along with 27 amendments. The Florida constitution covers the basic human rights, legislature, judiciary, executive, local government and the social services in the state. In this essay, there is some detail discussion about the parts of government, social services, funding and the difference between the Florida and U.S constitution (, 2013).


Three parts of Government


The power of legislation in the state has vested in the hands of legislatures. They have also the power of introducing the amendments, laws and bills. The legislature comprises of the senate and the house of representative. The senate is composed of 40 seats and each senator elected from the senatorial district for the period of four years. In the same way, the house of representative consists of 120 members and each district for the period of two years. The individual can get the job the of legislature by through contesting the election. According to the term limit, the representatives cannot retain the job for more than two terms.


Like in all states, the governor in Florida is the highest executive and administrative authority. He has a lieutenant governor and a cabinet which help him in managing the day to day affairs of the state. He heads all the military forces and twenty-five executive departments in the state. There are thousands of civil servants in these departments. He is responsible for the maintenance of peace and security in the state. All the budgeting and planning of the state runs his guidance and custody. He must be electro, if the individual wants to get the job of governor, lieutenant governor or member of the cabinet. The term limit put the bar on them and after two consecutive terms, they can again come in power. In the same way, the individuals in the armed forces and civil services can get the executive level jobs. There are so many factors which are helping them like the experience, qualification and performance.


Judiciary in the Florida state has three different layers. According to the level of function, the highest is the Supreme Court and lowest is the County Court. In terms of power, the Supreme Court has vast powers. It supervises the administrative of all courts and also seeks appellate review. Additionally, it has the access in the legislative, executive and other intelligence reports. However, there are certain limitations which must be observed. The individual in the judiciary can only come through the merit. The appointment in judiciary passes from two phases. The first is the governor and the second is judicial nominating commission. In the Section 11 of Article V in the Florida Constitution, the process of appointment in described in detail. In the state of Florida, the intelligence system and the judiciary is so much transparent (Justice ...
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