The Concept Of Learning Organizations

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The concept of learning organizations


Organizations are always involved in learning. Organizations learn to adapt to the changes so that they can either survive the competition or out do their rivals. It is through learning that the organizations tend to develop their employees, (Nadler, 1970). There are works done in regard to professionally developing the human resource through learning. The key to effective learning at a workplace is constant learning through the work itself, (Billett, 2001).

Workplace learning comprises of different activities that involve self directive, informal or formal learning. Workplace learning draws upon management and learning theory for the adults. In organizations that claim to be formal, work expands beyond the boundaries of the work which is paid for. It is important to understand the link between learning and work. The origins of many modern concepts of today's management can be traced back to the ancient times. A study of five thousand years old Sumerian documents reveal that managerial control existed back then, too. The immense importance of management for understanding the dynamics of organizations have been paid a great deal of attention by the foregone greats of sociology.

Organizations that claim to be learning organizations need to have a solid base and a proper learning culture. In our paper we will discuss that a firm foundation can ensure that organizations can make the most out of learning.


Learning makes individuals in an organization consider others into consideration and calls for intelligent responses from the employees. Learning today has become so important that there had never been a need for learning that important. If teams in organizations learn, they will become more productive. Learning in teams has its own benefits. Companies invest millions in research and development, so that they can cope up with the changes and make the employees learn ...
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