The Comparative Analysis Of The United Kingdom (England) And The United States Healthcare Systems

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The Comparative Analysis of the United Kingdom (England) and the United States Healthcare Systems


The healthcare systems of United States of America and United Kingdom are providing quality and safe healthcare services to the populations. The evolution of proper healthcare system in both the states emerged following the Second World War. Many transitions occur in the development of health facilitating organizations since then. NHS system caters these facilities to the population of United Kingdom. The private sectors in United States impart the major contribution in the provision of medical services. This paper discusses the comparison between the healthcare systems of the United Kingdom and the United States. Besides the existence of the differences, the goal is same to provide the quality, safe and appropriate healthcare services to each person of the states.



Thesis Statement2

Significance of the Study2


Comparison at the Level of International2

Types of Health Care Systems3

Health Care System in United Kingdom4

Evolution of the Healthcare System in United Kingdom4

Infrastructure of Hospitals in United Kingdom4

NHS Plan for Hospitals in United Kingdom5

Responsibility of Payment and Pricing Framework5

Health Care System in United States6

Evolution of the Healthcare System in United States6

Infrastructure of Hospitals in United States6

Health Coverage and Insurance in United States7

Responsibility of Payment and Pricing Framework8

Comparison of the Healthcare Systems of United Kingdom and United States8

Comparison of the Cancer Drugs9

Comparison of Mortality Rate9

Medical Device Vigilance System in US and UK10

Complementary Alternative Medicine10




The Comparative Analysis of the United Kingdom (England) and the United States Healthcare Systems


This article compares the healthcare systems of two countries that possess some similar cultural and historical backgrounds. The health care systems of these countries are significantly different from each other. The difference in policies and systems may be the role model of each other in order to improve their respective health care systems. This article covers the comparison of the infrastructures, pricing rate of the health care services, health coverage and health insurance procedures of United States and United Kingdom. Moreover, it includes the comparative analysis of the cancer therapy, mortality rate as well as the existence of the medical device vigilance system of both countries.

Different organizations in the world; such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD); conduct surveys and present the reports regarding health care systems and their proposed health care facilities (Squires, 2011). These organizations not only compare the health care systems of certain countries but also cover the health care systems of all the European countries, United Kingdom, Australia and states of America. Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development compared the health care quality, prices, utilization, supply, and spending of thirteen countries including United Kingdom and United States. Squires (2012) has demonstrated that United States contributes more on health care facilities in comparison of other countries.

Thesis Statement

To compare the health care systems of United States and United Kingdom

To evaluate the different factors existed in Unite States and United Kingdom to improve the health care system

Significance of the Study

Each country in the world encompasses some standards to facilitate the better health ...
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