The Company

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The John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge

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The John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge


With Forgiveness to Lenin, Marx and Hegel, modern society basic unit is not the community or state, or the party but is the company. From this premise bold, John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge trace the origin of one of the great catalysts of history for good and evil.

In a Forbes or “well-written and fast-paced” work, the writers disclose how modernism ; for instance, limitations on liability have allowed companies to adversary religions and yet states in significance, regulates the human affairs controlling and the flow of wealth, at the same time in great measure being exempt from the set of laws that regulate our lives.

The Company is the remarkable and rare book, which cover up a major gap that was not known before. This book provide insight of the past four centuries and current happenings.


According to John Micklethwaite and Adrian Wooldridge, in their book “The Company” stated that the Company is the most important organization around the world. The propensity basis of the West and the best hope for the future of the rest of the world, their explanation draws the jagged line of the fortunes of the company from Mesopotamia to Enron's US, make clear its continued existence and offers some advice for the future. However, the underlying trends tend to be upwards (Micklethwait & Wooldridge, 2003).

Revolution in technology is the basic reason behind institution such as the company or the joint stock company. This book provides an idea regarding how to run a business and find ways to attain capital from external market. Moreover, provides an idea about limited liability and this notion completely change the world. The appearance or origination of the company since the times of Elizabeth England and after that it facilitates in several ways in colonizing United States. At that time Muslim world had comparatively more advance trading structures than European countries. Later on, Islamic world lacked behind as they were unable to cope up with new emerging commercial structures and unable to answer the question like how to compete with joint stock companies, resulted in a tremendous difference. However, the company is still a remarkable and extraordinary organization. Mainly because, there is no concept of limited liability if talked about banks, as the people on the top has very limited liability. The system of capitalism works in which people who performed well are presumed to lose huge amounts if they follow an absolute path, while people on the upper level in the banking sector have lost a huge amount of money. However, the company emerges as a subversive organization nevertheless it usually relied on some extent of a franchise society, at whatever time corporate Catholicism is perceived to went too far; but there is always been some backlash extent. The state acts as a backbone of the company and chooses to provide exclusively to a company the idea of limited liability. A company possesses ...
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