The Columbian Democracy

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The Columbian Democracy

The Columbian Democracy


Different nations within the world have been prone to national and international problems which have even threatened their survival at times. However, where some of these nations have fallen many other have been able to fight through the stormy waves of pressure and reach their goals through sustaining and surviving.

By the year 1690, Columbia was referred to as the new piece of land discovered by Christopher Columbus. With the passage of time, the place started to be known for its arts, culture and poetry. However, throughout its lifetime, the Republic of Columbia has been home to democratic problems and overtaking by different regimes all of whom have directed their efforts towards the attainment of personal goals. In order to better understand, the problems faced by Columbia to achieve a democratic state of affairs, an in depth discussion regarding the relevant factors is required.


The Democratic form of Government

Before beginning the discussion regarding Columbia, it is indeed necessary to first understand the basic concept behind what a democracy actually is. It is difficult to define the term democracy in entirety. The reason behind this is not related to difficult political terms, but is linked to the fact that every person looks at democracy differently. It is completely possible that a system referred to as a democratic form of government by one person; may be completely rejected by another person as being democratic at all. Moreover, in a democracy, the system requires the selection of the leader through fair and free elections while at the same time guaranteeing the constitutional and natural rights of people.

To be explaining democracy in a brief but descriptive way, it refers to a political system that is designed by the people, for the people and is run by the people. However, in certain scenarios some people might actually reject the system because of the active participation of non-required elements within the system of ruling.

Democracy in Columbia

When it comes to the case of Columbia, different sources have presented distinct views about the democratic system operating within the Republic of Columbia. One author questions the idea that Columbia could even be referred to as a democratic system in the first place. The author suggests that the term “inclusionary authoritarian regime” is more suitable for the place.

Apart from that Columbia's democratic system has been referred to as a low intensity democracy, delegative democracy and besieged democracy by other authors. However, such vague terms have not developed automatically, but hold a background of information and events that have led the authors towards this development.

Challenges to Columbia's Democratic System

Columbia has been home to many problems which have contributed towards setting barriers against the democratic system. The following problems are worthy of note in this regard:

Continuous fights and gang wars between paramilitaries, guerrillas and state's security forces taking away the liberalism of the population.

The rise in the gangs working for drug trafficking, and the violation of laws by these gangs. Thousands of people including journalists have been killed by these ...
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