The Chinese Dynasties

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The Chinese Dynasties

The Chinese Dynasties


China has a great history which is diversified and modernized in the nature. The country flourished economically, socially and politically during the different dynasties. China has a great and one of the oldest civilizations of the world, which is attractive to many tourists and center of interest. In this paper, our main focus is on three different consecutive dynasties of Chinese history. The Sui Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty are the centre of discussion. We will discuss the political, economic and social perspective of each dynasty separately.


The Sui dynasty

The Sui Dynasty (581-618) had three emperors, and it lasted for thirty eight years only. During the Sui dynasty, the whole nation was reunified, and much political and economic advancement were made. When the nation was reunified, the society became peaceful and stable which encouraged political and economic development (Norman, Ilan & Marc, 2012). At the beginning period, the emperor focused on the agricultural sector and the promoted the yield of crops. The advancement in shipbuilding technology was also made in the same tie. The emperor Yang promoted the trade and introduced many policies including the tax moderation and equal fields division (Jing & Campbell, 2009). The emperor also worked out for the betterment of communication between northern and southern china. Many canals were made during the Sui Dynasty to enhance the communication between the southern and northern part of the country (Norman, 2012). The social life and economics were revolutionized during the dynasty reign. Political life was also changed by introducing a new system of politics. During the Sui dynasty, in the first time of Chinese history the three state departments and six ministries were formulated. The new system increased the royal power and promoted the division of work with details. The new hierarchical system was introduced in the business, and a fair selection of talent was also introduced which was test base. Overall the Sui Dynasty put positive impact on society by the social, political and economic reforms in the history of China. The downfall of the Sui Dynasty started from the second emperor who led a corrupt and luxurious life and was also a typical tyrant. The war against Gaoli (Korea) and his reputation were proofed to be burdensome, and as consequences the decline of the Sui Dynasty was begun from the rebellion of peasants (Norman, 2012). The dynasty had three emperors namely Sui Wendi (Yang Jian 581-604), Sui Yang di (Yang Guang 604-617) and Sui Gong di (Yang You 617-618).

The Tang Dynasty

The period of Tang Dynasty (618-907) is the most glistening period in the history of China. The dynasty lasted for two hundred and eighty nine years, during the Tang Dynasty China became the world's most prosperous and powerful country (Forte, 2003). The culture, politics, economics and military strengths were reached unparalleled advancements. At the beginning of the Tang period, the nation strength was recovered from the damages of Sui Dynasty. There were two female emperors in the Tang ...
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