The Chimney Sweeper

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The Chimney Sweeper

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The Chimney Sweeper

Translation Stanza [1]

In the poem, the poet has depicted a story of an innocent child. The first stanza of the poem is extremely important as it is showing the overall concept of the poem. The poet is memorizing the time of his early childhood, when he was an infant and his mother got died. He is conveying how he went through that dreadful time, he faced and lived terribly, even though he was a baby. The poet is expressing and communicating in first person, and from the second stanza, he replaced it by using third person in order to refer some of his companions (Sarah 2005).

Translation Stanza [2]

From the second stanza, the poet starts restating the story of one of his companion, Tom. He has explained to what occurred to Tom, who was a chimney sweeper. Tom was extremely unhappy and gloomy from his job. Along with that, he reconciled about circumstances, he has to live with that moments. The poet had portrayed the time when Tom Dacre's head was shaved, how he felt at that time and cried a lot. He knew that, no one is there to change the situation, because God wants it to happen (Heather 1995).

Translation Stanza [3] In the third stanza, the poet has continued with the story of Tom, He could not sleep all over night, and when he got sleep for little he had a dream, he saw that some of his companions were died, and their bodies were locked up in black coffins (Sarah 2005).

Translation Stanza [4] The fourth stanza is the continuation of Tom's dream, in which he saw some of his companions died and were locked in black coffins. After that, he saw that suddenly an angel appeared and saved all of ...
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