The Charter School Debate

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The Charter School Debate


The purpose of this study was to find out that how Charter Schools are funded and governed by the authorities. Through this research it was found the local, state funds and the public money is gathered for funding of Charter Schools for educating the students who are unable to avail best education. The charter schools provide the same environment similar to the environment provided by other schools. There schools take care of the students interests and are able to provide them better learning environment, which they all deserve. More of the above, all the charter schools have self decision-making power that means they are not answerable to any other authority about their doings and the decisions and policies. Secondly, the purpose of the question about the exemptions of rules and regulations for the Charter Schools was to discuss the benefits given to Charter Schools as compared to the other Traditional Public Schools. To support the Charter Schools most the of states in United States have waived some of the state laws and regulations that were imposed on them initially when these schools were introduced. It was observed through research that the teachers enrolled for educating students at Charter School are not even compelled to have teacher certification that is one of the most essential document for becoming part of the schools administration. There are some rules and regulations that may vary from state to state such as the admission privileges and teacher exemption certificates but still they were free from most of the statutes and rules of the states. The purpose of the third study was related to the recruitment and the enrolment process of the charter schools that how they carry on their admission process and about the policies they adopt for the mentioned processes. The study showed that most of the schools were open for all the students of the states without discriminating on the basis of race, cast, color, family background and the status and their living standards. Charter Schools had very lenient policies and rules that these make every child capable for admission in these schools and hence they receive a number of applications in the starting process. Furthermore, in case of receiving the number of applications more than the capacity it became more difficult to select the students for admission in the school; therefore they were leveraged to adopt the lottery system. The selected student in the lottery system got able to study with all the same benefits in the school without any difference. However, for some especial cases they were authorized to give the priority base admissions. Propose of the last study was about the evidences for the achievements and better performance of the charter schools. From the many sources and reports it was assured that most of the charter schools were performing well even somewhere better than the Traditional Public Schools. In contrast, they were criticized that they were not using the granted funds with transparency and properly for students and ...
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