The Business Environment

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The Business Environment

The Business Environment


Not long ago, for the vast majority of companies, the only concerns were primarily the large-scale production, competitive pricing, profits and good name in the market. Today, fortunately, a new trend has been consolidating, as consumers, especially the wealthy, have expected that organizations leave the role of mere suppliers of products and services, turning into companies operating within communities.

Soon, one of the aspects that differentiate management policies between traditional and contemporary business is corporate social responsibility, which usually ends up generating greater recognition and profit, enabling further business, i.e., from the adoption of this type of business procedure, preserving the image, the good name of the company on the market.

Corporate social responsibility can be understood as a new kind of civic and ethical considerations adopted by companies in their relationship networks. Thus, covering the entire universe of customers, suppliers, employees, distributors, partners and the community in which it operates or engaged in some form of influence. It also brings actions and targets that interact with the government and the environment (Business Environment, 2012).


Monetary and Fiscal Policy

Money management and monetary policy is the domain of regulatory sphere of the economy, but the decisions ??affect the behavior of the real economy, despite the high level of autonomy of the two spheres. Not all the trends of modern economics confirm the possibility of the impact of monetary policy tools to control, processes and an authentic demand in the economy at different times (Business Education, 2009). Restrictive or expansionary monetary policy of the central bank primarily affects the investment decisions of companies, leading to a change in the size of aggregate demand in the economy. This effect depends on the degree of sensitivity of investors to change the basic instruments of monetary policy.

The company operates in a specific social and ...
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