The Boreal Forests Of Canada

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The Boreal Forests of Canada

Assignment # 03

1.A kettle is a an isolated hill that dominates glacier eroded landscape

2. The main difference between weathering and erosion is that Weathering leads to breakdown of rocks into smaller particles while erosion leads to landscape changes

3. The main impact of human induced extractive economic activities on mass movement is to deposit waste materials in landfills

4. the most important reason why oxygen in water hastens chemical weathering is that it hastens the development of slight carbonic acid solutions that facilitate the dissolution of limestone rocks

5. This type of mass movement does not involve water Earth flow

6. One of these features does not form at the mouth/entrance of a river into the sea Distributaries

7. Which of the reasons assigned for the emergence of meandering river channels is wrong? The river flows in a circular manner

8. The development of river systems and stream patterns is largely influenced by the amount of precipitation that a river receives in its basin

9. Winds blowing in two different directions in a desert area can result in the formation of Transverse dunes

10. Various processes such as removal by wind, calving of ice blocks and sublimation that affect glaciers lead to their Ability to remain stationary at one place

11. Medial moraine is formed as a result of Glaciers collecting debris from mountainous areas

12. The consolidation, compaction and crystallization of glaciers occur due to the merging of alpine and continental glaciers

13. One of the following features is not found in a limestone area Esker

14. Among the reasons why quartz is the predominant rock type found at the beach is that it is Resistant to weathering

15. Which of the following processes of weathering can be considered both chemical and physical weathering is Hydrolysis

16. Denudation refers to the process whereby the landscape is changed due to erosion

17. Vegetation minimizes weathering and erosion by Creating new rock surfaces

18. A river's drainage density is calculated by dividing its drainage basin by its size

19. Triangular shaped features formed at the mouth of rivers are known as Deltas

20. Huge sea waves that develop as a result of seismic action in the oceans are known as Tsunamis

The Boreal Forests of Canada (Assignment # 04)


In Canada, forest has occupied 45 percent of the territories, represents 417.6 million hectares of Canada's continental areas of 921.5 million hectare. The Canada's Boreal Forests store approximated 186billiontons of carbon(C) in forests and peats ecosystem. These are equal to 27 years value of the world carbon emission in 2003 due to the burning of fossil fuel. Change to nature's system of Canadian Boreal Forests may change its capability to store the carbon. Fire is the natural and serious portion of healthy Boreal ecosystems, but the global warming appeared to cause damaging fire with unnatural frequencies, growing greenhouse gases emission. In Addition, frequencies, time-duration, and extents of insect's outbreak expected to increase with the global warming, acceleration of decomposition and the released carbon dioxide in the ...
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