The Beauty In Words

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The Beauty in Words

The Beauty in Words


More than a hundred years Susan B. Anthony and Mary Wollstonecraft were part of the movement of women focused on achieving equal rights under the law, voting rights and not be considered property. They would not have imagined that one day on one form of media called the women on television playing the role of president. The idea of rural women television to the President of the United States would be impressing beyond belief. Two leaders who have emerged from this movement were Mary Wollstonecraft, the United Kingdom, and Susan B. Anthony of the United States. At that time, women were like property or animals - not humans (Anne, 2001). They got considered being closer to the intelligence of a child than a man. Mary Wollstonecraft wrote a book on the subject called protecting the rights of women. In this book, she explores her disdain for his situation. It expresses his contempt for the false "the idea that women created simply to be ministers to the fun, pleasure and satisfaction of men".


Reporting information

To establish relationships between the parts of a text, the language offers various resources since they get shaped to meet the human need for communication. An important point of this is the "Reporting of information". The theme or subject of the speech should not be known entirely by the party because if so, the speech would be redundant. However, assumes some prior knowledge that the listener can be placed and to arouse their interest. In this sense, the speech represents a compromise of information, as formulated, which moves between two extremes of tautology, as a ratio of informative redundancy, and inconsistency, defined as a relation of incompatibility with the information previously given. The speech should not be entirely tautological, i.e.| information become redundant and should not be brand new because it would contradict information already established. Not only informative speech is a compromise. Each clause in a coherent and cohesive discourse should also contain some information given to connect with the above also some new information not to be redundant. The information being reported in the speech of Susan B. Antony revolves around the issue of women rights (Buonocore, 1976). Speech is the most effective mechanism to initiate communication with an audience, therefore there must be a prior link between the speaker, listener and audience. We can also say that a speech is a speech act, and, therefore has all the elements of speech act: first, an act of speaking, i.e.| the act of saying a saying (text) with sense and reference, and second, an illocutionary act or illocutionary acts set or conventionally associated with the act of speaking, finally, a speaking act is the effects on thoughts, beliefs, feelings or actions of the partner (listener). The speech is the broad reasoning led one person to another or others, oral exposure gets normally done at some length in order to persuade, and told it like gets formed by three aspects: ...
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