Physical and mental development, including cognitive, emotional and social development is primarily dependent on the actions of parents' education. Energy manifestations of a small child, a willingness to study and master the immediate environment, its control and social interaction are largely driven kind of contact with parents and the attitudes they represent. The harmonious development of the child can be fully developed by the rich content of the family environment or inhibited by poor or infrequent stimuli (Von der Lippe et al., 2010). With careful care of the parents, the child early in life owes them acquire basic abilities, skills, focus, perseverance, overcoming the difficulties in achieving the aim. These skills have a decisive impact on the continued ability of the child, because they form the basis for further study, work, and business in general. The child learns from his parents think, speak, control, and to master your reactions, also affect other people. Through personal designs supplied by the parents learn to relate to other people and express their sympathy and antipathy for them “by the intended impact of family welfare and education, as well as the intended impact resulting from the emotional relations and interactions between team members and the personal patterns of parents contributes to the physical and social development of the child” (Slater, 2007). Through these interactions is preparing a child to take the future roles of adults. At the same time, it equips the values, norms, behavioural patterns and cultural mores of society to which they belong. A child learning to follow the social norms begins to internalize and externalize their behaviour (Polan & Hofer, 2008).
In child development feelings play a very influential role. Whether the feelings are further inhibited or stimulate the development of the child, depends on both their intensity and their kind. Some emotions, particularly fear, anger or jealousy described as feeling sad, inhibit the growth of the child. While described as pleasant feelings, like love, happiness, curiosity, are helpful and very important for normal development of the child. The most serious and most damaging to the child is not feeling the love. Impact of deprivation of love that leaves a child's emotional development is very serious. Most take the form of emotional instability, indifference, but also the tantrums and aggression (Von der Lippe et al., 2010).
Negative sentiment affecting the development of the child is fear because it inhibits the action, which could have been a useful and pleasant for the child. What your child is afraid of depending on many factors, especially the child's age, his experience and the level of individual development. Initially, a small child has a fear of a general nature, is rather panic or emotional stress, not a real fear of a given subject (Wei et al., 2005). Later it becomes more specific and is associated with specific objects, people or situations. Fear in the child develops a tendency to avoid the subject, which provoked ...