The Animal Factories Tragedy

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The Animal Factories Tragedy


Public and environmental health had been adversely been destroyed through the artificial and the institution of animal factory farming. The farms have become veritable factories in which the animals were handled like yards of fabric to make dresses for. By artificial hormonal and genetic processes, they are forced to over-reproduce, they are fed their own excrement and corpses "enriched", squeezes them in much reduced areas are crowded transports, choking on its own heat and sweat, and barbarously slaughtered them without the slightest regard humanitarian. However, unfortunately for those "animals' manufacturers," both efficiencies has attracted serious consequences over time. One of them is to call "mass illnesses.


Global warming by the greenhouse effect has created ideal conditions for these diseases arise and spread very easily. For example, in recent cases of epidemics among populations of healthy animals of different species, has been unusually warm weather which has caused malnutrition, weakened immune system and increased the reproduction of different viruses. As Paul Epstein, an epidemiologist with the U.S., "Once the microbes that are ordinarily benign under normal environmental conditions, invade the weakened animals can become sick enough to also fatal to healthy populations." He adds that the greatest danger is that you are generating other diseases previously unknown. In fact, since 1973 have emerged infectious diseases 30, including AIDS, in those years had not even suspected its existence. In other words, changes and ecological disturbances that are causing, they are creating a natural response to a predator like the man. Mother Nature, in its attempt to defend his wayward son this is creating new evils against that soon there will be no cure at all (see my article: "Behind the flu, big profits and superbugs") (

The egg industry is only a small part of a horrible world, full of violence and suffering in the world of animal exploitation. Prejudices, indifference and ignorance condemn millions of people, like us able to perceive the emotions and pain, a life that is not possible to describe, to satisfy the selfish interests of a humane society that relegated them to the role of resource. Obviously has consequences being the largest food exporter in the world, especially meat and meat products. This applies to the United States, especially the state of Texas, former President Bush, in which there are many farms producing cow's milk, which represent an increasingly serious environmental and health problem.

So much dirt is going to end up in rivers and aquifers, polluting water alarmingly, which contains from 50,000 to millions, even billions of parts of coli form fecal contamination, per 100 millimeters. Many people claim that drinking water, flat, pipe knows ... of excrement, because, apart from the obligatory gastrointestinal diseases it causes, as the dangerous E-Coli 0157-H7, a strain of Escherichia coli enteric parasite that causes intestinal bleeding and kidney damage, especially in children and older adults more sensitive to its harmful effects. Furthermore, it is not as good business to have a CAFO because there are so many, ...
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