The American Promise

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The American Promise

The American Promise


'The American Promise' tends to provide much more detail accounts than any other book written on American history. Without understanding the past we cannot develop the understanding regarding the future. Thus, this book tends to provide in-depth analysis of the various factors which affected the American society. Due to which our society the society which we tend to live in tends to extract its roots form there. The foremost reason due to which this book formulates into one of the most comprehensive book written on the subject is due to the fact that it tends to highlight and provide personal accounts and the narration regarding the people who faced the music than.

The way they have described the history is much more effective than any other book written on the subject. Such narration allows the reader to remember the history much more efficiently since it is told in a form of story which takes the reader into the past. Since it takes the reader into the past thus it forces the reader to perceive what might have happened in the past. Therefore, the past comes alive as a result not only through the personal accounts of the individual who witnessed it but through the visual aids included in the book. The visual aids tend to be much more effective than the words.

Since it allows the people to relate much more efficiently and effectively. This book tends to include over 775 illustrations which show what the Americans what went through. It tends to sketch the past right in front of the eyes of the reader. Thus, that takes the reader to the heights which other books written on the same subject might fail to do so. Plus the maps helps the students to realize how the country we tend to live in became a reality. Plus the geographic maps tend to increase the map literacy of the students. Plus the maps help the readers and specifically the students to help and imagine in much more depth. Plus it also allows the students to decode the strategic plans surfacing at that time.

This book tends to equip the students to view the American history in the global context. Precisely this book proves to be resourceful based on the fact that it allows the reader specifically the reader to understand the subject in much more detail. In the context of this book we would be shedding light on some of the key aspects of the book from various perspectives this is however done in order to develop a better understanding of the subject.


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