The American Dream

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The American Dream

The American Dream


The American Dream is a general philosophy of the United States of America which promotes freedom and liberty. It promises the possibility of a successful life with prosperity and achievement. The philosophy of the American Dream ingrained in the Declaration of Independence. Declaration of independence proclaims that all men are created equal and all men granted with certain, undeniable rights of Life, independence and the pursuit of Happiness by the creator. This idea has attracted millions and millions of immigrants to the US from all around the world. Living the American dream in the land of opportunities has been the aspiration of millions around the world, but in the current situation, American dream is becoming difficult to live for the citizens of the Unite States. The biggest reason behind it is the heavy influx of immigrants and the additional cost the government has to pay for immigrants in terms of social services, education and other welfare benefits promised to the residents of the United States.


As illegal immigration has amplified radically during the last two decades, the concerns about its impact on well being of American citizens have increased. There are many aspects of impacts of immigration that affects US citizens; illegal immigration causes a great danger to the system of welfare of the United States. This matter is at the heart of the ongoing deliberations regarding the issue of immigration. Astonishingly, very few studies have tried to gauge the fiscal effect of illegal immigration on the United States budget (Schnell, 2010). Many studies have centered on all immigrants, without distinction of legality and illegitimacy of immigrants on the US fiscal expenses, but the real negativity brought about by illegal immigrants. The other studies focus on state or local level impacts of illegal immigration, but the real impact occurs at the federal level. This study focuses upon impacts caused by illegal immigration on federal welfare system of the United States. This study tries to analyze the issue of illegal immigration and its impact upon the fiscal pressures of the United States and what costs paid by the US citizens.

One should know that today in the southern states of the United States, an estimated 80% of the labor force consist of illegal workers in agriculture (Orchowski, 2008). These workers often work for as little as $ 10 per day in Mexico, where wages are about $ 38 / day in the United States (ibid). The financial interest is obvious. Thus, constructs a kind of system of "win-win" between owners, American employers and illegal labor. The presence of these illegal workers is in any way beneficial to the economic sector, without them, agriculture would not take long to decline.

Migration effects are likely to fall halfway between these two extremes. Embryonic literature on migration indicates that the interactions between migration and some key economic variables in both areas of origin and destination of migrants, are multifaceted and cause a range of complex effects such as "optimistic" and "pessimistic" (Mahler, ...
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