[The Affects Of Recent Global Financial Crisis On Eurozone Model]
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In this study we try to explore the concept of recent global financial crises in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on the affects of recent global financial crisis on Eurozone model. The research also analyzes many aspects of the affects of recent global financial crisis and tries to gauge its effect on the Eurozone model.
Table of Contents
Background of the Study8
Research Aims and Objectives8
Hypothesis/Research Question12
Significance of the Study12
Rationale/ Nature of the study14
Effect Of Monetary Policy In The Real Economy (Money, Interest And Liquidity)15
The Curve Of The Preference For Liquidity16
Incidence Of Public Spending In The Real Economy17
The Evaluation Of The KKE Ten Years Ago21
KKE Assessments On The Current Global Economic Crisis24
How Did The Crisis Took Place?27
How Serious Is The Crisis?28
What is expected of the economic crisis for the Eurozone?29
A Different Crisis? Now And Then33
Vulnerability To The Euro Zone Crisis37
Possible Scenarios43
Brace for Impact!44
The Fronts Of Struggle49
List of Figures
Figure 1: US dollars to 1 euro, May-Oct 201135
Figure 2: Cross-border bank lending40
Figure 3: Fiscal balance in 2007 and 201041
List of Tables
Table 1: Major trade partners for Least Developed Countries, 2007 and 201038
Table 2: Vulnerability of selected low-income countries to the euro zone crisis41
Table 3: Transmission mechanisms, possible solutions, effects on developing countries42
Table 4: Trade dependence of low-income countries on selected European countries45
Background of the Study
The crisis in the living world economy is a consequence of the methods of production and expansion of the capitalist system. It 'also of a structural nature and not just as financial claims to prove. It also includes other crises, such as energy, food and the climate. The current situation threatens humanity, which is why people must take action quickly. The current financial situation is a reflection of an economic model in which the best way to earn profits is financially speculate than to produce real goods. This lasts until the bubble does not explode, as has happened on this occasion. This fact is not a cyclical crisis of capitalism, even if the current one is much more profound than the inevitable overproduction that capitalism has within it, this global crisis means the explosion of an economic model that has stopped production, generating unemployment and increasing poverty.
Research Aims and Objectives
Already in crisis before the great speculative economic groups and banks had found new fields of speculation to continue to do great business. The crisis of today had already begun to herald the wars for years ...