The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

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The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is written by Mark Twain. The story unfolds along the Mississippi River, which run through Huck and the slave Jim fugitive, fleeing from the past who have suffered in order to get to Ohio. Characteristic details of Southern society as racism and superstition of slaves, and the friendship are some of the dominant themes of the novel. This work is for Mark Twain a cut above their previous works. Here begins a pessimistic view of humanity that far from being diluted in the following creations grows as The Mysterious Stranger. (Donoghue, 2008)


At the initiative of Tom Sawyer, leader of the gang, Huck and his friends decide to form a band of criminals like those novels like Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. But after a few meetings, the band dispersed, finding ultimately more interested in their actions imaginary. Meanwhile, Huck's father discovered that $ 6000 dollars in gold was found by Huck and Tom Sawyer, and confided to a friend (Judge Thatcher) which returns their $ 1 per day. He takes the child home the lady where he was placed (Miss Watson, Jim's mistress: the runaway black) and isolation in a cabin on an island in the river Mississippi. The child does not take long to escape by pretending he is dead, and met Jim, a slave who ran away together.

The two find themselves on an island that was The Jackson Island near their village and remain there long before you go exploring. The villagers set off in pursuit of Jim from a steamboat located near the two fugitives, but did not see them. Huck and Jim hear cannon shots, and spend several days on the island until nobody is looking. During their stay, they discover a houseboat, The Floating House, empty with a dead man on a chair. Jim hides the ugly face of death that Huck does not afraid. After leaving the house with the clothes and found there, Huck disguises himself as a girl and goes to a house near the village for news. Unfortunately, it falls on a cunning woman who discovers the deception, but he continues to lie about his motivations. He learns that people saw smoke on their island and they are about to find Jim there. The fugitives then left the island on a raft; they sail at night and ...
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