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"the Tragedy Of Othello, Moor Of Venice”

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"The Tragedy of Othello, Moor of Venice”


'Othello', counted among the best works of William Shakespeare, as the play crafts in the form of a tragedy. The crux of the play 'Othello' is that a righteous man leads his own way towards destruction after indulging in the net of a wicked man, which tends to pilot him on the way to jealousy and ultimately towards his own destruction. The play revolves around the characters of Othello, Lago and Cassio. Othello acts as the protagonist in the play whereas part of the antagonist, played by lago and his Foils.


'Othello' tends to set itself in the land of Venice (situated in Italy) and Cyprus, an island in the Mediterranean. Othello marks the period of 1489-1571. A fact should be kept in mind that the land of Venice, accounts for the significant Shakespeare plays which tend to highlight the issue of racial prejudice; two of his finest plays include Othello and Merchant of Venice. Both highlighting the same issue by using different tools altogether. The author could have used any country, town, and island on the whole planet, usage of Venice is quite Significant. It held its place as one of the key power in relation the sea; therefore, it was the hub of the commercialism, which also gave rise to corruption and the clashes, based on the socioeconomic status and ferocious competition among the people (Bate, p.288).

Cyprus also holds the key position in this play, as the author used it based on the fact that the land held the important position strategically, considered a land which produced a huge amount of olives, grapes and several morsels. All the major players in history like Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians fought over it and occupied it (Bate, p.290)

Use of Irony

This play has drawn criticism from many corners ...
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