Textual Analysis

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Textual Analysis

Textual Analysis


Textual analysis is a useful way of analyzing the methodology of a research (Klaus, 2008). In this paper I am going to do textual analysis of a research in which the author has compared picture of Hollister and Abercrombie having something in common. These pictures belong to famous brands of Apparel industry. These both pictures had almost similar designs. The purpose of this analysis is not to write how I feel about the text but to show or to tell readers about the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of the project by critically answering various questions.

Why did you select the two images you chose to analyze?

The first picture chosen for analysis was Hollister and the second one was Abercrombie The reason behind choosing the two images is that these both images belonged and were owned by same company i.e. A&F so It helped me in analysis. Moreover these both pictures have similar designs. Another reason behind choosing these pictures was that despite having almost similar looks these brands were different such as the clothes under the brand of Abercrombie give a trendy and classy look where as the clothes under the brand of Hollister give a fun and beachy look. Both Abercrombie and Hollister are famous for their apparels and known by teens and high school kids as being a part of one company. Still, there is difference observed in the material of Abercrombie and the material used by Hollister in their material, where the material is comparatively light in clothes by Hollister. However, the quality used by both the companies is same.

How did you go about describing your images? What did they have in common?

I researched a lot to describe these images. The images has similar style and as Hollister is owed by Abercrombie which is another similarity between the brands. People like Hollister more because it has same style as Abercrombie have plus Hollister is bit cheap. The most common thing between both the pictures is their style and type. Both the knits have short sleeves and also have equal length. These similarities, many times, make the product of both brands difficult to be differentiated. The entire style analysis of both the brands was done by only looking the pictures. The reason that both the brands are almost similar in designs must be because they both are owned by the same company, i.e. A&F. From the research I analyzed that comparison between these two pieces is more interesting as compared to finding the similarities.

What additional source(s), other than your chosen text, did you use? How did you choose this source?

The additional sources chosen are shown below in the reference section. I did use additional sources because I thought these additional sources would be essential for conducting further research on the same topic. These resources were mostly taken from news paper articles, journal articles not peer-reviewed, most of the research was done from internet articles. Almost all the sources of my articles were open ...
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