Texas Roadhouse Won't Scrimp On Making Employees Happy

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Texas Roadhouse Won't Scrimp on Making Employees Happy

Texas Roadhouse Won't Scrimp on Making Employees Happy


The paper seeks to examine the case study known as “Texas Roadhouse Wont Scrimp on Making Employees Happy,” which is based on employee satisfaction and its impact on customer service. Texas Roadhouse is a restaurant whose CEO is G. J. Hart. Despite of the recent economic headwind in United States the company was able to find alternative means for keeping their employees motivated and engaged in work (Bielinski, n.d.). The paper aims to analyze those alternatives and to what extent they are transferable to other organizations.

“If we take care of our employees, they will take care of our customers”

The maxim fits perfectly in regard to employee satisfaction as it is an organization's responsibility to take care of their employees and acknowledge the workforce need individually either it is physical, emotional or psychological (NBRI, 2012). The employees could be an exceptional competitive advantage of a firm if they are dedicated and loyal with their company. Employees are considered to be a part of internal customers and when they are treated well on the job then they tend to stick with the firm and perform well (Mueller, 2003), their performance in restaurant industry calls for offering good customer service so that the guests pay them return visit hence increasing the sale and profit. However, if the employers will not show concern for their subordinates then it may result in several negative outcomes for instance absenteeism, tardiness, and bad service to customers thus making the restaurant business suffer(service (Spinelli & Canavos, 2000). The past researches have even proved the direct positive impact of employee satisfaction on company's performance and hence the phrase is not just a cliché but it is actually practiced by many renowned firms in United States (Mueller, 2003).

Alternative means for Employee Satisfaction.

The role of Human resource manager is highly important with this aspect, though in the case study Texas Roadhouse has used extrinsic rewards as a source to motivate their employees. The extrinsic rewards include bonuses and incentives other than salary. In this case study, awarding $20,000 to the winner of the competition and giving $500 to managers for organizing events for employees is regarded as extrinsic reward. The company even made huge investment to motivate employees by holding the four days annual conference. Though the above measures were aim to establish employee engagement, teambuilding, and charity and fun which was attained but they were additional cost that was incurred during hard times. The company could have saved the money during those hard times of economic downturn and still have motivated employees through good leadership and intrinsic rewards. If the manager has transformational and charismatic leadership style he would convince employees to work dedicatedly like Steve Jobs workaholic attitude made his followers worked 90 hours a week with contented attitude (Young, 2005). Then intrinsic rewards like pat on the back of an employee who has outperformed even motivates employee in performing their job ...
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