Texas Politics

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Texas Politics

Impact of Civil War and Reconstruction on Texas Politics

The study relates to Texas politics which particularly focuses on the impact of civil war and reconstruction on Texas politics. In this view, it is noted that there has been significant changes that took place in political system of Texas due to civil war and reconstruction which are discussed in the following part of study:

Impact of Civil War on Texas Politics

The Civil War and its after effects mainly defined the Texas politics for the coming period in political system of the state. Texas was a “tagalong confederate” with strong divisions among its people concerning secession. At the end of the civil war, like the all areas of the South, in due course Texas was put under the control of army and was put in to various limitations that disallowed white Democrats which were generally former Confederate officers from participating in the Texas politics (Jillson, 115-184). This lead the way for the Republican Party to take control of Texas government all the way through the South, with the majority numbers of black office holders, which is recognized as the reconstruction period.

Impact of Reconstruction on Texas Politics

With reference to impact of reconstruction on Texas politics, it is important and imperative to note that while the dismantling of reconstruction completed in Texas by 1876, the impact of this experience lasted far away from that date. The Republican Party was bring into disrepute in the Lone Star state for more or less one hundred years, for mostly due to the connection with this disliked period. In the similar way, government's harm to the reputation of was vigorous. People of Texas had gone through such a government in politics during the process of reconstruction. In addition to this, in the process of reconstruction in Texas politics, most ...
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