Test Anxiety

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Test Anxiety

Test Anxiety


The test anxiety (English test anxiety) is an anxiety prior to the assessment of individual performance, which can prevent the persons concerned from his knowledge during a test to prove. Basically, they can also lead to an increase in performance. As the disease is classified only in special cases. Their assignment to them is a special form of social evaluation anxiety (social phobia). Test anxiety occurs in people with learning disabilities or behavioral problems to a greater extent than those without such problems.

The test anxiety arises, as well as their name suggests, the fact that a person is afraid (or its symptoms) before or during an exam feels. It affects the performance of those affected is by the candidates and parties related to them but also serve as a pretext to excuse unsatisfactory performance or "mental blocks" or explain. Occasionally, especially in university examinations, may also auditor of the test anxiety to be similar (and less overt but not threatened by sanctions) exposed to stresses, such as inexperience or from competition in collegiate exams. As the specimens are also the auditors (after Schenk) Specific methods for "autogenous" and "heterogeneous" stress relief available.

During the development of cognitive test anxiety can develop for the first time at age 8 to 11 years. The basic cause poor academic or athletic performance can be seen that the self-esteem of those affected compromise, based on athletic and mental performance. A certain level of test anxiety may seem quite a test for performance-enhancing, since the resulting increased level of excitation leads to an increase of concentration, attention and energy (Thomas, 1996).

Clinical significance

The test anxiety will be considered to be pathological if it constitutes a substantial impairment of the patient, causes problems in the social environment, and - especially in childhood -. Prevents the normal development of the person. It is formed in the ICD code does not exactly. However, this classification must also apply here.

In the U.S., this phobia if the limitation is demonstrated and documented by the Americans with Disabilities Act recognized as a disability and special testing procedures are available, provided that the relevant request is submitted at least 30 days before the start of the test. However, test anxiety is usually not recognized from the outset as appropriate disability as defined by law (John, 1999).

What is test anxiety?

We all need a certain amount of energy for any activity, from playing sports or driving ... To walk or read a book. This activity is normal, and is also required. The problem begins when the amount of energy is fired and goes from enabled to be overactive. And this is when we anticipate a hazard, either real or imagined. For example, "I will suspend the test," "Sure I'm white," "I have no time to learn".

The test anxiety is a series of negative emotional reactions that some students feel about the exams. It gives very high levels when it can seriously interfere in the life of the ...
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