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List the five rights of delegation.

a. Right Task

b. Right Circumstances

c. Right Person

d. Right Directions/Communication

e. Right Supervision/Evaluation

The RN Scope of Practice is determined by the ANA.


Patient teaching and assessment may be delegated to a Licensed Practical Nurse.


Consider the following situation and determine whether or not the registered nurse is liable for the following actions: A nurse aide (allowed by facility policy) documents the care of a patient and the RN cosigns the entry. Is the RN liable if the aide injures the patient?

Yes, because Registered nurse is responsible for the actions of nurse assistant. It is the responsibility of the RN to examine the activities of Nurse assistant. In case of any malpractices, both the RN and nurse assistant will be held responsible as per the law.

List four barriers to delegation

Lack of trust and confidence in employees

Inadequate and inappropriate training

In adequate selection and recruitment

The resistance of subordinate to delegation

Using the Acute and Critical Care Standards of Clinical Practice as a guide, in your own words, give a brief description of each standard and an example from your clinical practice.


Patient assessment or examination anamnesis includes a thorough physical examination, laboratory studies and imaging, including differential diagnosis. The general appearance of the patient may be very important. Patients with obstruction and colic tend to sit still and move alternately during episodes of pain, while those with inflammatory conditions are at rest and motionless. For instance, the assessment of health status is done by using rating scale, home-made, which allows us to get basic information, historic and current, by interview, observation and physical assessment of each patient. The format consists of 11 assessment items, each of which aims to assess a pattern of health, and also one last item for any questions you want to do. The questions in the format have been adapted to the characteristics and needs of each client (cultural level, degree of communication, age, etc.)


The assessment of patterns of health and fitness leads to patient's diagnostic signs ranging to support nursing diagnoses and defining the factors and factors related risk. The risk factors in the diagnosis may be environmental, physiological, psychological, genetic and even chemicals elements, which can increase the susceptibility of individual, family or community to the appearance of an unhealthy response. Valuation is essential to reach the diagnosis in nursing of critical cases, and is used to describe the continuous evaluation of initial health status of an individual, family or community. It is carried out systematic and deliberate manner, based on a plan to gather and organize information from the person.

Outcomes Identification

One the problem or the disease is assessed and diagnosed, the outcomes will be identified. Generally, outcomes are determined by the examination of actual care issues. Outcomes are articulated in association with the family, patient, and other health care providers. The differences in the outcomes are also incorporated, recognized and appreciated. Moreover, the outcomes are attained in relation to the available ...
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